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COVID-19 Procedures

At Chop Salon the safety of our staff and clients is paramount. Below you'll find the procedures that we have put in place to keep everyone who enters our salon safe and healthy. We thank you for your patience and cooperation!


Chop Salon

  1. You may not bring anyone with you to sit in the salon during your appointment. When you book your appointment, you will be asked for contact information, and we will contact you in your car to let you know we are ready for you.
  2. Masks are REQUIRED to enter the salon. We would like you to bring one, but if you are unable to or you forget, we will provide one.
  3. You will be required to clean your hands when entering salon.
  4. We will not allow anyone to take off their mask in the salon. If you need a drink of water or something to eat, please go to your car and do so. There will be no more complimentary beverages for unvaccinated quests. Vaccinated guests showing a valid vaccination card may have beverages, but a mask is still required.
  5. We will increase our sanitation and disinfection procedures between appointments. This means our schedules will not be able to accommodate as many clients as we are used to seeing.
  6. We are not responsible for spread of Covid-19, we will take every precaution to sanitize and clean before and after every service.